

HomeProducts > DOLIVE SHAD


Length 3.5" 4.5" 6"
Color 31
Released April - 2014

It generates bite both by swimming and falling

So far of Shad tail worm of Texas no weight rig acts lively by just retrieving, but if you stop retrieving it sinks with no action.

In other words, the instant you stop retrieving it loses power to generate bite. That is the weak point.

But, DOLIVE SHAD is different!

Now that it has acquired new action to swim voluntarily even when it falls, the weak point turned to be bite chances.

It falls with shaking its body and flapping its tail just like bait fish heading for bottom voluntarily.

You cast DOLIVE SHAD beside the cover and wait for fall-bite. If nothing happens, you can retrieve DOLIVE SHAD and tempt the chasing bass with fall action.

With this action it became possible to make the bass bite while DOLIVE SHAD falls. You can catch the fish you were not able to catch by just retrieving.

Moreover, it swings its tail firmly even when it is retrieved dead slow, but it swims very solid by fast retrieve and creates fascinating sound by buzzing.

DOLIVE SHAD is the one and only bait which you can generate bite by your own technique and direction.

4 inch model. Both fall and simple retrieve are effective.

The “ Do-Live Shad” series has been proven throughout the country since its launch in 2014 with one and only concept and the ability to catch bass. And this time new size 4 inch is coming. The size of 4 inch is essential in any field and season and it is good for almost all rigs like weightless, texas rig, jighead, weighted hook, Carolina rig, trailer for jig. The action of The “Do-Live Shad” series differs depends on each size. 4 inch has succeeded The DNA of original “Do-Live Shad”. It has the ability of both enticing bass and catching bass with not only voluntary fall action but buzzing and simple slow retrieve. And it creates high pitch wobbling and rolling action. . The “ Do-Live Shad” is not born just to fill the gap between 35 inch and 4.5 inch. It is super practical size to complete the shad tail strategy .


DOLIVE SHAD has rib in the slit. At first, you bury hook point in the rib, and when the rib is ripped you can bury hook point at the bottom of slit. Thus you can use this bait many times.

Recommended rig (4.5 inc)

・No weight rig
Wobble and roll action by normal retrieve.DOLIVE SHAD makes steady action by slow retrieve and creates fascinating sound and splash by fast retrieve buzzing.It acquired voluntarily action when it falls, so combined technique of swim & fall becomes effective.

・Texas rig
It shows firm action shaking body and tail by free fall or slow retrieve with light weight like 1.8g. Not only sideway swimming but vertical falling like cover fishing is also effective.

・As a rubber jig trailer
It imitates the swimming of bait fish with high pitch tail action naturally. Especially, it performs best with swimming rubber jig and football jig.

・As a trailer for Bladed Swim Jig
With the vibration of blade jig and high pitch tail action of DOLIVE SHAD, entire body moves vigorously. That high appeal power gathers fish overwhelmingly.

Hook size recommended: offset 4/0~5/0(FINA・T.N.S OFFSET recommended)

Recommended rig(3.5 inc)

No weight rig, light texas rig, Jig head rig, Jig trailer, Carolina rig

Hook size recommended: wide gap offset hook 1/0


Water Melon Pepper W001
Cinnamon Blue Flake W002
Green Pumpkin Pepper W004
Lime Chart W007

Smoke Pepper & Copper Flake W012
Blue Gill W015
Scuppernong Blue Flake W034
Bubble Gum Pink W036

Cosmo Black W038
Yosinobori W054
Shirauo W056
Soft Shell Smoke TW102

Golden Shiner TW103
Green Pumpkin/Chart TW107
Green Pumpkin Shad TW114
Splyed Glass TW115

Ghost Shrimp TW117
Oikawa TW125
Honey Flash TW126
Neon Shad TW129

Lively Wakasagi TW134
Silver Shiner TW138
Neon Wakasagi TW139
Chi Ayu TW142

Bloody Shad TW144
Sight Special Ver.2 TW145
Pink Lady TW150
T.N.Smoke Lady TW158

Sexy Shad TW159
Neon Gill TW160
Natural SunFish TW177
Vitamin Gill TW180

Wild Shiner TW181
Lime Chart Back Shiner TW184
Sexy Shad Ver.2 TW194
Gori Miso Black TW195

S.U. Hani Melo TW233

No. Name Size
3.5" 4" 4.5" 6"
W001 Water Melon Pepper
W002 Cinnamon Blue Flake
W004 Green Pumpkin Pepper
W007 Lime Chart
W012 Smoke Pepper & Copper Flake
W015 Blue Gill
W034 Scuppernong Blue Flake
W036 Bubble Gum Pink
W038 Cosmo Black
W054 Yosinobori
W056 Shirauo
TW102 Soft Shell Smoke
TW103 Golden Shiner
TW107 Green Pumpkin/Chart
TW114 Green Pumpkin Shad
TW115 Splyed Glass
TW117 Ghost Shrimp
TW125 Oikawa
TW126 Honey Flash
TW129 Neon Shad
TW134 Lively Wakasagi
TW138 Silver Shiner
TW139 Neon Wakasagi
TW142 Chi Ayu  
TW144 Bloody Shad  
TW145 Sight Special Ver.2  
TW150 Pink Lady
TW158 T.N.Smoke Lady
TW159 Sexy Shad    
TW160 Neon Gill    
TW177 Natural Sun Fish
TW180 Vitamin Gill
TW181 Wil Shiner
TW184 Lime Chart Back Shiner
TW194 Sexy Shad Ver.2
TW195 Gorimiso Black
TW233 S.U. Hani Melo

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