

HomeProducts > DoliveShot


Length 4in / 4.5in
Color 4in 8 / 4.5in 12
Count 4in 6pcs / 4.5in 5pcs
Release 4.5in May-2020 / 4in July-2023

Another back slide created from necessity

The Do-Live Shot is the standard of next generation which has ultimate performance of back slide. The back slide setting of The Do-Live Stick has high basic performance like fall speed, action and hooking and it can move like shrimp run away. But it also has a drawback that its tail sometimes hangs in the cover, so slow and subtle approach is needed to remove the bait gently. The Do-Live Shot has inherited the basic performance of The Do-Live Stick but at the same time, it was designed to focus on “Back Slide” which can fish any kind of cover effectively and quickly without feeling stress even when you use it roughly. It seeks for fish quick and wide without missing any fish and to have success at the tournament that requires you to catch fish in a limited time and to increase the probability of encountering one more fish to the utmost. Now another backslide worm is going to be released after maturity to overcome the desire of fishing.

What is “back slide” of The Do-Live Stick?
Since it was released The Do-Live Stick has been catching many fish at any field with so called do-live fall action and exquisite fall speed and wide slide that is generated by back slide setting which the hook is inserted from tail part.

Fall speed comparison
Fall speed with best hook (depth 1m): fluorocarbon 12lb

The Do-Live Shot 4.5(weight aprrox.10g)・・・3.5s(TNS offset 4/0)
The Do-Live Stick 4.5(weight approx. 8g)・・・4.7s(TNS offset 3/0)
The Do-Live Stick Fat 4.5(weight approx.11g・・・4.3s(TNS offset5/0)

The Do-Live Stick is best for the light cover like collapsing reeds or indent. The Do-Live Stick Fat is best for the light cover in windy condition when current is rapid. The Do-Live Shot is best for from light cover to heavy cover like complicated bush.

DoLive Shot 4inch
The DoLive Shot 4" was born in response to the recent demand for flexibility in field conditions, which change from year to year. The DoLive Shot is a stress-free backslide worm that can be used in any type of cover. The DoLive Shot 4" has been designed with the volume of the 4.5" (released in 2020) Hula skirt kept to a small amount while the length and width of the body have been reduced in size, without sacrificing the strong push of the kickback action. The weight is reduced by 40% to 6.3g compared to the 4.5" model, and the reduced size while maintaining the pushing power of the body allows the lure to show its true value in high pressure situations such as tournaments and holidays, when the lure is feeding on small hand-length shrimp and other small fish. The DoLive Shot's unique shot rig (a rig with a nail sinker in the nail hole) enables presentation in complex cover and in the smallest of crevices in aquatic vegetation. The DoLive Shot 4" covers the finesse area of the backslide and completes the backslide strategy.


Weightless back slide setting

Weightless back slide setting generates voluntary action with body rolling and waving 8 hula skirts right and left. That fall action is almost live shrimp’s drift and entices bass bite.

The shot rig

By inserting nail sinker (0.3〜1.8g) into the nail hole under the body, not only castability but snagless ability is improved. Bass sometimes does not bite slow falling bait but it is also true that bass bite when the bait falls fast as if it disappears right after it land.

Weightless normal setting

It generates voluntary action waving hula skirts right and left. When you twitch it quickly, voluminous hula skirts wave and they appears to be the kick of tail fin of baitfish.

Center line and slit

There are center line and slit because inserting the hook straight is inevitable,

Hula skirts

The Do-Live Shot falls with body roll and hula skirts wave right and left when you insert the hook back slide setting. The ribs are designed to be very small to prevent from tangling each other.

Hula skirts 2

When you use weightless rig, the hula skirts open when you twitch it lightly and when you loosen the line tension the hula skirts move backward. This part creates liveliness as if shrimp’s kick back because opening and closing of hula skirts displace water.

DoLive Shot 4inch size


Cinnamon Blue Flake W002
Green Pumpkin Pepper W004
Tenaga W010
Black W016

Dark Cinnamon Blue & Pepper W027
Mimizu W050
Green Pumpkin/Chart TW107
Amezari TW109

Ghost Shrimp TW117
Neon Wakasagi TW139
Ebi Miso Black TW146
Morning Done TW147

Water Melon Gill TW190
Pink Green Pumpkin Sight SP TW215

No. Color Size
4" 4.5"
W002 Cinnamon Blue Flake  
W004 Green pumpkin Pepper
W010 Tenaga  
W016 Black  
W027 Dark Cinnamon Blue & Pepper  
W050 Mimizu  
TW107 Green Pumpkin / Chart
TW109 Amezari  
TW117 Ghost Shrimp
TW139 Neon Wakasagi
TW146 Ebi Miso Black
TW147 Morning Done  
TW190 Water Melon Gill
TW215 Pink Green Pumpkin Sight SP  

Item list