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Kanai finished 4th at NBC chapter Tokyo 6th at Lake Tsukui


Oct. 2nd NBC Tokyo chapter 6th was held at Lake Tsukui Kanagawa Pref. and O.S.P pro staff Syunsuke Kanai finished 4th with 3 fish 1755g.

This is his comment:

Water looked good but a little muddy in the deep, so the condition was not the same. It was almost fall and fish scattered everywhere. I focused on the fish larger than 1 kg that supposed to be suspending 1-3m depth.

I did not make the weight I hoped but I’m happy I got the prize.

Bait:”Do-Live Shad”3.5(soft shell smoke) with 1/32 nail weight
“HP Shad Tail 2.5 (Neon wakasagi) 1/16 drop shot

Terasawa became A.O.Y. of 2016 NBC chapter Tokyo


O.S.P pro staff Youji Terasawa got the A.O.Y. prize of 2016 NBC chapter Tokyo.

Well done!

Kitayama was 5th at BATNET 2017 first!


Toshimichi Kitayama was 5th at BATNET 2017 series first held on Oct.2nd at Lake Biwa.

He talked about the day

Oct.2nd I fished the first match of BATNET 2017. I focused on the north east of Lake Biwa where weeds are scattered like patch on 1.5-2m depth. I checked inside the weed and edge with Texas rig and short leader drop shot and on the weed and around weed I fished with weightless rigged “Do-Live Shad” and 3320g kicker fish attacked 4.5in violently. It helped me my 5th place prize.

Reel:Steez 100SH
Rod:Blacklabel +6101MHRB

Saito won NBC chapter Kasumigaura and Naya finished 2nd. Naya became A.O.Y.!


NBC chapter Kasumigaura 5th was held on Oct. 2nd at Kasumigaura and Masaya Saito won with 3 fish 4056g.

And his team mate O.S.P pro staff Hiroyasu Naya finished 2nd with 3 fish 3278g.

That means O.S.P staff made so called 1- 2 finish!

This result made Naya A.O.Y. of 2016 chapter Kasumigaura

Takahara won NBC chapter Ashinoko 6th and became A.O.Y.


NBC chapter Ashinoko 6th was held on Oct. 2nd at Ashinoko Kanagawa Pref. O.S.P pro staff Kiyoshi Takahara claimed 1st with 3 fish 5400g.

He became A.O.Y. of chapter Ashinoko 2016.

Kazuhiro Takeuchi won TBC tournament 5th


TBC tournament 5th was held on Oct. 2nd at Tonegawa and O.S.P pro staff Kazuhiro Takeuchi won with 3 fish 5349g.

He became 5th at the 2016 ranking

His bait was:
・Jig 01(green pumpkin blue flake) 7g & “Do-live Craw” 4 (green pumpkin blue flake)
・Spin tail frog

The DoLive Shrimp has become the winning lure in Australia!!


The Gamakatsu Team Series grand final in Ballina was run and won. Lucky by Tony Moore and myself!!!!

We hit the water on the first day with out a pre-fish and noticed that the river was still running fresh, due to recent rain.

With this in mind we made the decision to fish the bottom of the river, to hopefully find some salty water. Our bag came very quickly fishing a combination of Cranka crabs and OSP DO-Live shrimp along rock walls.

Weighing a bag of 3.07kg we were in the lead!!!! Day 2 we started fishing with the same plan in mind and quickly had to change things up, the fish that were on the wall had moved due to the pressure of 70 anglers on the first day.

A change of tactics and a move to deeper water resulted in a flurry of big fish. Making long cast up current with a dolive shrimp rigged on an 1/8th proved deadly. Fishing in 8m of water feeling the bite was imperative. When fishing plastics I chose to use a edge 702-2 BSR it has a soft enough tip to keep small hooks!

in soft lips, and for crabbing a 701ISR, because of the sensitivity and bottom end power. Tony and I weighed 2.69kg that day which was enough to take the win. img_products_main_doliveshrimp

[MOVIE] i-Waver fishing in Australia


Mr Lee has introduced the ZERO TWO BEAT in his blog.


Mr Lee is O.S.P Pro staff in Korea. He has introduced the ZERO TWO BEAT in his blog. Check it please.


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