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September-2018 New Item: BLITZ series new colors


Orikane claims 1st at The H-1 Grand-prix


H-1 Grand-prix 4th was held at Shin-Tone River in Ibaraki Pref. on July 22nd. O.S.P pro staff Kazuki Orikane wins with 3 fish 2600g!

He used
① Tiny Blitz MR(#M62 impact lime chartreuse)
②Over Real 63Wake(#C43 pink lady)
③O.S.P Buzz 02Beat(#S70 black FLshilver)

Matsumura came in 4th at W.B.S. tournament 4th


W.B.S. (World Bass Society) tournament 4th was held on July 22nd at Lake Kasumi in Ibaraki Pref. O.S.P pro staff Hiroshi Matsumura got 4th prize with 5 fish 4540g!

His baits were
①1.3g neko rigged HP 3D-Wacky5″(#TW146 ebi-miso black)

②7g leadless drop shot DoLive Beaver3.5″(#TW146 ebi-miso black)

③7g Free rigged DoLive Shad4″(#TW139 neon wakasagi)

Over 50cm kicker fish made Kawakami 2nd at BFC Yamanakako Classic!

BFC Yamanakako Classic was held on July 15th at Lake Yamanakako in Yamanashi Pref. O.S.P pro staff Noriyoshi Kawakami caught over 50cm kicker with Blitz MAX-DR(#35 ghost lime chartreuse) and finished 2nd.

Suzuki made a big victory at JB Masters using HP3D Wacky, Do-Live Beaver, Do-Live Stick!

JB Masters tournament was held on July 14th and 15th at Lake Kasumigaura in Ibaraki Pref. O.S.P pro staff Takauki Suzuki brought 2 day total 7538g and made a big victory.

His baits were

①Neko rigged HP 3D Wacky5″(#W004 green pumpkin pepper・TW107 green pumpkin chartreuse・TW148 green pumpkin/pink)
②Weightless rigged Do-Live Stick 4.5″(W027 dark cinnamon blue and pepper)
③5g texas rigged Do-Live Beaver 3.5″(W027 dark cinnamon blue and pepper)

Orikane and Yamazoe made 1-2 finish!

NAB21(Narita Airport Basser 21) tournament was held on July 15th. O.S.P pro staff Orikane and Yamazoe made 1-2 finish!

Orikane was 1st with 3 fish 3560g using weightless rigged Do-Live Crawler 5.5(#TW189 Mimizu/green pumpkin blue flake)

Yamazoe was runner up with 3 fish 3460g

He used

①Weightless rigged Do-Live Stick FAT 4.5(#TW136 kawaebi)
②Weightless wacky rigged Do-Live Crawler 4.5″(#W004 green pumpkin pepper
③JIG 05Tugger4g(#S36 tiger shrimp)!

Takaaki Tomimura claims 1st at NBC Chapter Kasumigaura

NBC Chapter Kasumigaura was held on June 8th at Kasumigaura in Ibaraki Pref.

O.S.P pro staff Takaaki Tomimura claims 1st with 3fish 3494g making the most of O.S.P baits.

His baits were

①Jig 05 Tugger4g(#S35 pink lady)+ECO Do-Live Stick3.5″(TW117 ghost shrimp )
②ECO Do-Live Stick 4.5”(#TW107 green pumpkin/Chartreuse)weightless sway back setting
③ECO Buzz 02 beat(S52 define black)

Also O.S.P pro staff Hiroyasu Naya finished 5th

His Baits were
1/16oz Snagless neko rigged HP3DWacky5″(#W027 dark cinnamon blue & pepper)
1/16oz snagless neko rigged Do-Live Crawler 5.5″(#W027 dark cinnamon blue & pepper)

Akihito Kobayashi made the most of HP 3D Wacky5 and Dolive SSGill 3.6!

O.S.P developing staff Akihito Kobayashi finished 4th at JB Top 50 3rd held from July 6th to 8th at Nanairo Dam in Nara Pref. with three day total 12269g using HP 3D Wacky5 and Dolive SSGill 3.6!

The details of his baits were

①3.1g Snagless neko rigged HP3D-Wacky5″(#W050 Mimizu)  

②3.5g Texas rigged DoLive SS-Gill3.6″(#015 blue gill)

Takashi Otsuka did it! Three times in a row!

O.S.P pro staff Takashi Otsuka finished 1st at NBC Chapter Bousou 4th held on July 4th at Kameyama Dam in Chiba Pref. with 3fish 4065g,

He wins NBC tournament three times in a row!

His baits were 2.6g neko rigged HP 3D Wacky5″(#W050 Mimizu) and 3.5g neko rigged Do-Live Crawler 4.5(#W050 Mimizu)

O.S.P pro staff Kiyoshi Takahara wins with overwhelming weight 7300g!

NBC Kanagawa Chapter 2nd was held on June 24th at Lake Ashi in Kanagawa Pref. O.S.P pro staff Kiyoshi Takahara wins with amazing weight 3fish 7300g!

His baits were O.S.P jig 03 Hunts 14g +pork and big bait.

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