

HomeHottopics > O.S.P pro staff Saito finished 3rd at JBⅡ Kasumigaura and got the 1st prize of annual ranking

O.S.P pro staff Saito finished 3rd at JBⅡ Kasumigaura and got the 1st prize of annual ranking


At the JB Ⅱ Kasumigaura tournament 3rd held at Lake Kasumigaura Ibaraki Pref.

Sept. 3rd O.S.P pro staff Masaya Saito finished 3rd and O.S.P pro staff Takuya Hashimoto finished 6th.

Saito used “Do-Live Shrimp” 4in (dark cinnamon/blue & pepper), “Do-Live Shad”3.5(neon wakasagi). Both were rigged 21g heavy Carolina rig.

Masaya Saito became the 2016 champion of JB Ⅱ

Takuya Hashimoto was 4th, Akito Kobayashi 6th and Yoichi Hashimoto 8th.

O.S.P guys did a great job! 4 guys among top 10!

02 03

※All photos are From JBNBC website
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