Shin Imai and Makoto Yamazaki team wins Lakers tounament 9th
O.S.P pro staff Shin Imai and Makoto Yamazaki team wins Lakers tounament 9th held on Oct 20th at Kasumigaura in Ibaraki Pref. with 4 fish 3800g.
His comment was:
The water was 30cm higher than usual due to the tyhpoon 19th. So I expected to enjoy shallow game but I was not able to catch fish for 3 hours because of low water temperature and muddy water maybe. Then the sun came out and I caught 4 fish in a low. All the fish were caught by 7g leaderless drop shotted Do-Live Beaver (green pumpkin pepper・ebimiso black) Long stay after touching the bottom was effective.

His comment was:
The water was 30cm higher than usual due to the tyhpoon 19th. So I expected to enjoy shallow game but I was not able to catch fish for 3 hours because of low water temperature and muddy water maybe. Then the sun came out and I caught 4 fish in a low. All the fish were caught by 7g leaderless drop shotted Do-Live Beaver (green pumpkin pepper・ebimiso black) Long stay after touching the bottom was effective.