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Takuya Hashimoto grabs the title of W.B.S. A.O.Y. !


2018 W.B.S.(World Bass Society) pro tournament final was held on Aug 25 and 26.

Takuya Hashimoto finished 4th and he became A.O.Y.

Here are the comments from Takuya.

Hey, I got the title of W.B.S. A.O.Y. ! I won the first tournament with Do-Live Beaver 4 inch and High Pitcher which was a real good start. I faced the final tournament when I was at 5th of A.O.Y. standing which means very difficult to become A.O.Y. But I was supplied Do-Live SS Gill 3.6 just before the 4th tournament and it showed super power! I was able to catch good keeper one after another because I acquired new technique under tough condition. The knack is fall and one action. Then even experienced bass comes and bites. That’s why I came from behind and got the A.O.Y. title. I would have never got this title without Do-Live SS Gill. No doubt about that.
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