

HomeHottopics > Noriyoshi Kawakami got the annual championship of NBC Yamanakako Chapter.

Noriyoshi Kawakami got the annual championship of NBC Yamanakako Chapter.

Noriyoshi Kawakami got the annual championship of NBC Yamanakako Chapter.

This is his comment:
Let me report that I got the annual championship of NBC Yamanakako Chapter. Thanks for O.S.P lures which helped me in tough lake where bass is getting few. 2 Chapters were united from 2019 and so this was the first championship and this was my 13th championship(8 times at Yamanakako Chapter and 3 times Yamanakako 2nd Chapter) Now all the JB/NBC official tournament were finished. Thanks for staffs, sponsers and supporters. Hope to help me next year again.

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